Counting the cost

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Before we take the important step of conversion we need to understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Life gets a whole new perspective. Therefore, we need to 'count the cost', before we take that step. Accepting Christ's sacrifice is called justification. That is free of charge for the convert. The next phase is called sanctification, in which the believers grows in faith and becomes more holy. It may become more difficult to really trust Jesus in everything. The third phase is discipleship. Then you need to learn to put Jesus first in everything. You need to take up your cross and follow Him unconditionally.

Jesus' teaching illustrates the processes of counting the cost in:
  1. Luke 9:57-62. Three men promised to follow Jesus. Jesus gives different answers, because the men only wanted to follow Him on their own conditions. Answer the discussion questions.
  2. Luke 14:26-35. Jesus tells that following Him is costly.
  3. Luke 18:18-27. The rich young ruler didn't need to give but to give up.
  4. Mark 8:34-38. Following Him may ultimately cost your life.

All passages are about giving up your life and answering Jesus' call: "Come, follow me", whatever it costs.