Title: In the beginning
Scripture: Genesis 1, 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1: 20-21
  1. Is there a purpose in life
  2. Is having a sense of purpose in your life important to you?
  3. Where might the need that people have for a purpose in life come from?
  4. Discuss the 6 days of creation. In day 3 the plants were created. We know that plants need light. We read that the sun was created in day 4. How could the plants survive without sunlight? Who was the light as long as the sun was not created yet?
  5. Read Genesis 1:26-27. Men and women were created in God’s image. Verse 31 says: God saw all that He made, and it was  REVEAL ANSWER
     . All that God created was good. But when God created humans He said that they were very good. Why would God make that distincion?
  6. This raises at least three questions:
    • What significance does this give to human beings?
    • What does that say about the value of each individual?
    • What does this say about God?