The Apostles are commissioned and the church is born
I. Jesus’ vision for reaching the world.
Jesus stated his vision and command for reaching the world multiple times, each time with a slightly different emphasis. We’ll
consider three of these commissionings in the following questions.
A. From disciple of Jesus to discipler of nations. (Matt. 28:18-20)
A1. On what basis did Jesus now issue this command? How had he proven this to be true?
A2. What three objectives were his disciples to accomplish?
What did Jesus promise to do for his disciples?
B. Fulfilling an ancient purpose (Luke 24:44-49)
B1. What did Jesus say the OT had foretold about Himself and his mission? What was the role of the disciples to be in this mission?
C. Jesus’ plan for reaching the world. (Acts 1:6-8)
C1. What strategy did Jesus give the apostles for carrying out the mission he was giving them?
C2. What role were the disciples to have in this, and how would God empower them to achieve it?
II. The Holy Spirit comes in power.
A. The anticipated moment arrives. (Acts 2:1-12)
A1. In what form did the Holy Spirit appear when he came to the disciples? Read Luke 3:16. What is said in this verse that would have helped the apostles recognize what was happening to them?
A2. What other audible sign accompanied this initial filling of the Spirit? Why was the crowd so amazed at what they were observing? (v. 6-8, 11b)
A3. What does Luke notice about the demographic makeup of the crowd?
A4. In light of Jesus vision for reaching the world why do you think this fact was significant for what was happening at this
B. Peter rises to the occasion. (Acts 2:13-14, 22-40)
B1. How were the critics reacting to this unusual event? (v. 13)
On what grounds did Peter dismiss their criticism
B2. This exchange gave Peter an opportunity to give an explanation of what these observers were witnessing. State Peter’s conclusion (v. 36):
B3. Summarize the reasons he gives to support this conclusion:
a. (v. 22-24, 32)
b. (v. 33)
C. The floodgates are opened. (2:37-41)
C1. What evidence do you see in the response of the listening crowd now, that indicates the Holy Spirit is at work? How does Peter answer their question? (v. 38, 40)
C2. What does Peter say the result will be if they respond as he has instructed (v. 38)? On what does he base this assertion (v. 39)?
III. The Church is born
A. The church is launched with phenomenal impact. (Acts 2:41-47)
A1. What was the numerical impact of this first display of the Spirit’s power: What four ingredients did the Holy Spirit use to nourish this new movement?
A2. As you read the description of this new community of faith, what do you find striking about it?
A3. Describe the impact the newly formed church was having on its community.
I. Jesus’ vision for reaching the world.
Jesus stated his vision and command for reaching the world multiple times, each time with a slightly different emphasis. We’ll
consider three of these commissionings in the following questions.
A. From disciple of Jesus to discipler of nations. (Matt. 28:18-20)
A1. On what basis did Jesus now issue this command? How had he proven this to be true?
A2. What three objectives were his disciples to accomplish?
What did Jesus promise to do for his disciples?
B. Fulfilling an ancient purpose (Luke 24:44-49)
B1. What did Jesus say the OT had foretold about Himself and his mission? What was the role of the disciples to be in this mission?
C. Jesus’ plan for reaching the world. (Acts 1:6-8)
C1. What strategy did Jesus give the apostles for carrying out the mission he was giving them?
C2. What role were the disciples to have in this, and how would God empower them to achieve it?
II. The Holy Spirit comes in power.
A. The anticipated moment arrives. (Acts 2:1-12)
A1. In what form did the Holy Spirit appear when he came to the disciples? Read Luke 3:16. What is said in this verse that would have helped the apostles recognize what was happening to them?
A2. What other audible sign accompanied this initial filling of the Spirit? Why was the crowd so amazed at what they were observing? (v. 6-8, 11b)
A3. What does Luke notice about the demographic makeup of the crowd?
A4. In light of Jesus vision for reaching the world why do you think this fact was significant for what was happening at this
B. Peter rises to the occasion. (Acts 2:13-14, 22-40)
B1. How were the critics reacting to this unusual event? (v. 13)
On what grounds did Peter dismiss their criticism
B2. This exchange gave Peter an opportunity to give an explanation of what these observers were witnessing. State Peter’s conclusion (v. 36):
B3. Summarize the reasons he gives to support this conclusion:
a. (v. 22-24, 32)
b. (v. 33)
C. The floodgates are opened. (2:37-41)
C1. What evidence do you see in the response of the listening crowd now, that indicates the Holy Spirit is at work? How does Peter answer their question? (v. 38, 40)
C2. What does Peter say the result will be if they respond as he has instructed (v. 38)? On what does he base this assertion (v. 39)?
III. The Church is born
A. The church is launched with phenomenal impact. (Acts 2:41-47)
A1. What was the numerical impact of this first display of the Spirit’s power: What four ingredients did the Holy Spirit use to nourish this new movement?
A2. As you read the description of this new community of faith, what do you find striking about it?
A3. Describe the impact the newly formed church was having on its community.