Called to walk in the ways of God
  1. When the Hebrew people came to Egypt they counted only 70 people (Exodus 1:5), but 430 years later (Exodus 12:40) their number grew to  REVEAL ANSWER
     million, according to the estimations mentioned in the video, derived from Exodus 1:7. Then the new king in Egypt made a shrewd plan. What was this plan about (Exodus 1:8-14)?
  2. The hardest part of the oppression was to try killing  REVEAL ANSWER
     (Exodus 1:15-22). The miraculous birth of Moses is described in Exodus 2:1-10. After growing up at the Egyptian palace, Moses saw a fellow Hebrew being beated, so he killed the Egyptian beater. Then Moses needed to flee (Exodus 2:11-22), where he married. Was God still taking care of the Hebrews (Exodus 2:23-25)?
  3. In Exodus 3 we read how God called Moses to become the spiritual leader of the Hebrews. In verse 14 we see the name of God:  REVEAL ANSWER
     . In Exodus 3, we also read about an important encouter of Moses with God. In chapter 4, Moses was given a staff to perform miracles. In chapter 5, the process of pleading with the Pharaoh to let the Hebrew people go and leave Egypt, is described. Pharao refuses over and over again. But God urges Pharao to change his mind, by sending 10 plagues to Egypt (Exodus 7:14 through Exodus 10). The 10th plage is about the firstborn, described in chapter 11. Write down what this plague is about according to verse 5.
  4. In Exodus 12, we read how God saves the Hebrew people by sacrificing a lamb and then use the blood of that lamb in a special way.
    What did they need to do (Exodus 12:7) and what would God do (Exodus 12:13)?
  5. During God’s wrath towards the Egyptians, all people who had the lamb’s blood on their doorposts were able to flee and cross the Red Sea in a miraculous way (Exodus 14:21), and the Egyptians were drown (Exodus 14:26-28). The journey of the Hebrew people through the desert to their own land would take 40 years. God provided water and food from Heaven (Exodus 16-18). Then, in Exodus 19 the Hebrews arrive at Mount Sinai, where God gave them a promise (verses 3-6). Describe the promise:
  6. In Exodus 20, we find the ten commandments God gave as a law to live by as obedient God fearing people (Exodus 20:3-17). Which commandments do we still recognise in our civic laws today?
  7. In the following chapters, we read the details of all laws that God has given. Even how to worship God in a tent, called the “tent of Meeting” (Exodus 33:7-11), also called the  REVEAL ANSWER
     (Exodus 40:2), a portable worship structure for the Israelites during their journey. This is a precursor to the later built temple, and also a precursor of our church buildings today. How did God guide the Israelies during the journey to the promised land (Exodus 40:36-38)?