Biblical scholars

Within Protestantism there are several "schools" of thought and interpretation, such as Orthodox, Lutheran, Calvinist, Baptist, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Charismatic, etc.
In our ministry, we have teachers belonging to several of these "schools". However we try to focus on the Bible and its biblical interpretation. Not so much on what scholars say. Therefore our teaching is more or less based on mainstream theological doctrine, as close as possible to what the Bible teaches.

In central and northern Europe the Reformation in 1517 had a huge impact. Martin Luther made the head-start with his biblical claims and Bible translation into German. His thought was followed much in Germany and Scandinavia. Soon after, John Calvin from the border region of France and Switzerland came with a comprehensive doctrine, which had many "followers" in The Netherlands. The Reformed church was born. Many of those Reformed-Calvinistic believers made the move to the new land: North America, where they found less government regulations.

In the last century, a new movement came up in America called the Evangelical movement, which had a huge follow-up across the globe, especially after World War II. Most of Chinese churches, both above- and below ground, are evangelical in nature.
Both Calvinism and Evangelicalism hold to the absolute authority of the Bible. Many Christian universities and Seminaries worldwide are based on those two doctrines. provides short explanatory articles. This is what they say about the core beliefs in Calvinism.  This is what they say about Evangelicalism.

In our ministry, top priority in teaching is "the Book", the Bible. Next to the Bible we recommend theological sound books, written by Calvinist and Evangelical scholars. However, those books should never replace the Bible. We can use their works when we study Bible interpretations. Here are the names of some biblical scholars of this age.

RC Sproul
John MacArthur

J I Packer
Erwin Lutzer
Andy Woods
David Jeremiah
Neil Anderson

1 I, Ed van Ouwerkerk, don't agree with the calvinist stand on predestination, because it excludes people from salvation