253A.D. the Bible continues
69Airport, NL
17Alpha Course, Chinese
53Amazing Grace
105Amish Grace
78Amy Carmichael - Donavur Fellowship
141Anne Frank
123Another Perfect Stranger
195Apostle Peter and the Last Supper
26August Rush
134Babette's Feast
76Bamboo in Winter
245Beautifully Broken
255Before the wrath; about the rapture + NL-version
94Behind the Sun
4Believe in Me
237Belle and the beast
91Ben Hur
229Bible, the
86Blind side, the
58Bonhoeffer, Agent of Grace
13BreakThrough, James O. Fraser
30Bridges of Madison County, the
19Broken memories
97Buurman & Buurman, dikke vrienden
149Case for a Creator, the
55Case for Christ, the
147Case for Christ, the
148Case for Faith, the
126Casper en Emma
9Chariots of Fire
60China's Confession
154Choristes, les
174Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey
211Christmas oranges
21Chronicles of Narnia, The
212Coach Carter
202Color purple, the
226Come Follow Me
57Covenant, the
59Cross, Jesus in China, the
41Daniel, the book of
135De avondturen van Peter Pan
62De club van Sinterklaas
63De Gruffalo, NL
118De Smurfen en het verloren dorp
71De ster, NL
177Derek Prince, Bijbelonderwijs - Oorlog op Aarde
198Des Hommes et des Dieux (French)
29Doctor Zhivago
183Doing the Right Thing
199Door het hart van China, Ruben Terlou
61Driving Miss Daisy
167Encounter, the
12End of the Spear
36Facing the Giants
136Facts of Faith, Moody Science Classes
84Faith like potatoes
31Fiddler on the Roof
115Final Inquiry, the
187First do no harm
85Florence Nightingale
1For richer or poorer
54Forest Gump
131Fourth Wise Man, the
168Freedom Writers
23Fried Green Tomatoes
100Frosty the Snowman
243Genesis; Paradise Lost
210Gift of Love, the
236God is not dead 2
11God provides
6Gods must be Crazy, The
220God's not dead
24God's not Dead; a light in darkness
197God's Story (Mandarin)
224Gospel of John, the
109Gospel of Matthew, the (Chinese)
164GraceCard, the
107Great Debaters, the
230Have a little faith
150Heart of a Champion
28Heart of Texas, the
172Help, the
15Hidden figures
10Hiding Place, The
142Hope, the English
44Hope, the, Chinese
56Hotel Rwanda
196How great is our God
77Hudson Taylor
247I Believe
241I can only imagine
248I still believe
74Inn of the sixth happiness, the
250Insanity of God, the
203Intouchables, The
114Israel under Fire
46Jesus Christ Super Star
192Julie & JUlia
209King's Faith
176King's Speech, the
200Langs de oevers van de Yangtze, Ruben Terlou
208Last Adam, the
121Legende van de verloren schat
25Let there be light
5Life is Beautiful
252Lion King, the
51Love's Christmas story
244Man of Galilee, the
124Man without a Face, the
188Marriage Retreat
27Martian Child
204Marty Goetz live in concert
228Matter of Faith, a
146Miracle Maker, the, animatie
254Miracles from Heaven
70Miserables, les
8Mission, The
157Most/The Bridge
108Mother Teresa
7My big fat Greek wedding
232My Son My Savior
52Nativity Story, the
170New in town
221Nieuwe wildernis, de
201Not without my daughter
96Note, the
43Notebook, the
193October Baby
215Once we were slaves
179One True Thing
156Parables of Jesus
90Paradise Road
102Passion of the Christ, the
65Peace Child
158People who met Jesus
181People who met Jesus, series 1
182People who met Jesus, series 2
122Perfect Stranger, the
242Peter and Paul
68Pianist, the
45Psalm 23, je hoeft niet meer bang te zijn
93Rain Man
129Redding in de bergen
180Remember the Titans
139Road to Emmaus, the hart van Pasen
103Robe, the
216Rossvally: from the synagogue to the Saviour
34Ruth, the book of
35Saving Private Ryan
38Saving Sarah Cain
159Scarlet and the Black, the
213Season of a lifetime
75Second Chance, the
191Seven days in Utopia
240Shack, the
162Shawshank Redemption, the
256Show me the Father
178Shunning, the
234So who is this Jesus
73Something the Lord Made
231Sons of God, for such a time as this
175Soul Surfer
161Sound of Music, The
190Stand Strong
133Star of Bethlehem, the
87Story of Jesus for children, the
106Straight Story, the
189Suing the Devil
125Surf's Up2, NL
39Terminal, the
95The Original Christmas Classics
49Theirs is the glory, slag om Arnhem
171Theory of Everything, the
83Thomas and the Toy Workshop
88Thomas Trusty Friends
137Touching the Void
81TV commedy series
72Ultimate Gift, the
80Visitor, the
223War Room
32West Side Story
144Wizard of Oz, the
98Wonderful Life, it's a
1For richer or poorer
4Believe in Me
5Life is Beautiful
6Gods must be Crazy, The
7My big fat Greek wedding
8Mission, The
9Chariots of Fire
10Hiding Place, The
11God provides
12End of the Spear
13BreakThrough, James O. Fraser
15Hidden figures
17Alpha Course, Chinese
19Broken memories
21Chronicles of Narnia, The
23Fried Green Tomatoes
24God's not Dead; a light in darkness
25Let there be light
26August Rush
27Martian Child
28Heart of Texas, the
29Doctor Zhivago
30Bridges of Madison County, the
31Fiddler on the Roof
32West Side Story
34Ruth, the book of
35Saving Private Ryan
36Facing the Giants
38Saving Sarah Cain
39Terminal, the
41Daniel, the book of
43Notebook, the
44Hope, the, Chinese
45Psalm 23, je hoeft niet meer bang te zijn
46Jesus Christ Super Star
49Theirs is the glory, slag om Arnhem
51Love's Christmas story
52Nativity Story, the
53Amazing Grace
54Forest Gump
55Case for Christ, the
56Hotel Rwanda
57Covenant, the
58Bonhoeffer, Agent of Grace
59Cross, Jesus in China, the
60China's Confession
61Driving Miss Daisy
62De club van Sinterklaas
63De Gruffalo, NL
65Peace Child
68Pianist, the
69Airport, NL
70Miserables, les
71De ster, NL
72Ultimate Gift, the
73Something the Lord Made
74Inn of the sixth happiness, the
75Second Chance, the
76Bamboo in Winter
77Hudson Taylor
78Amy Carmichael - Donavur Fellowship
80Visitor, the
81TV commedy series
83Thomas and the Toy Workshop
84Faith like potatoes
85Florence Nightingale
86Blind side, the
87Story of Jesus for children, the
88Thomas Trusty Friends
90Paradise Road
91Ben Hur
93Rain Man
94Behind the Sun
95The Original Christmas Classics
96Note, the
97Buurman & Buurman, dikke vrienden
98Wonderful Life, it's a
100Frosty the Snowman
102Passion of the Christ, the
103Robe, the
105Amish Grace
106Straight Story, the
107Great Debaters, the
108Mother Teresa
109Gospel of Matthew, the (Chinese)
114Israel under Fire
115Final Inquiry, the
118De Smurfen en het verloren dorp
121Legende van de verloren schat
122Perfect Stranger, the
123Another Perfect Stranger
124Man without a Face, the
125Surf's Up2, NL
126Casper en Emma
129Redding in de bergen
131Fourth Wise Man, the
133Star of Bethlehem, the
134Babette's Feast
135De avondturen van Peter Pan
136Facts of Faith, Moody Science Classes
137Touching the Void
139Road to Emmaus, the hart van Pasen
141Anne Frank
142Hope, the English
144Wizard of Oz, the
146Miracle Maker, the, animatie
147Case for Christ, the
148Case for Faith, the
149Case for a Creator, the
150Heart of a Champion
154Choristes, les
156Parables of Jesus
157Most/The Bridge
158People who met Jesus
159Scarlet and the Black, the
161Sound of Music, The
162Shawshank Redemption, the
164GraceCard, the
167Encounter, the
168Freedom Writers
170New in town
171Theory of Everything, the
172Help, the
174Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey
175Soul Surfer
176King's Speech, the
177Derek Prince, Bijbelonderwijs - Oorlog op Aarde
178Shunning, the
179One True Thing
180Remember the Titans
181People who met Jesus, series 1
182People who met Jesus, series 2
183Doing the Right Thing
187First do no harm
188Marriage Retreat
189Suing the Devil
190Stand Strong
191Seven days in Utopia
192Julie & JUlia
193October Baby
195Apostle Peter and the Last Supper
196How great is our God
197God's Story (Mandarin)
198Des Hommes et des Dieux (French)
199Door het hart van China, Ruben Terlou
200Langs de oevers van de Yangtze, Ruben Terlou
201Not without my daughter
202Color purple, the
203Intouchables, The
204Marty Goetz live in concert
208Last Adam, the
209King's Faith
210Gift of Love, the
211Christmas oranges
212Coach Carter
213Season of a lifetime
215Once we were slaves
216Rossvally: from the synagogue to the Saviour
220God's not dead
221Nieuwe wildernis, de
223War Room
224Gospel of John, the
226Come Follow Me
228Matter of Faith, a
229Bible, the
230Have a little faith
231Sons of God, for such a time as this
232My Son My Savior
234So who is this Jesus
236God is not dead 2
237Belle and the beast
240Shack, the
241I can only imagine
242Peter and Paul
243Genesis; Paradise Lost
244Man of Galilee, the
245Beautifully Broken
247I Believe
248I still believe
250Insanity of God, the
252Lion King, the
253A.D. the Bible continues
254Miracles from Heaven
255Before the wrath; about the rapture + NL-version
256Show me the Father