Study and discussion
Discuss any questions from last session.
Difficult words:
Soul: The part of us that lives for ever.
Sinners: Those who sin (which is all of us)
Pharisees: Jewish religious leaders.
Righteous: Being right with God.
In this session we will see what Mark tells us about why Jesus came.
Read Mark 2:1-12
Question 1
A huge crowd had gathered to hear Jesus. Why? What kind of reputation had he built up in these early days?
(Look at Mark 1:27-28, 32-34, 45 for clues.)

Question 2
What were the four men hoping Jesus would do?

Question 3
What does Jesus do instead in Mark 2:5? Why do you think he does this first of all?

Question 4
Why were the teachers of the law so annoyed by what Jesus said? (See Mark 2:6-7).

Question 5
Had they reached the right conclusion?

Question 6
How do we know that Jesus has authority to forgive sin?
(See Mark 2:8-12.)

Read Mark 9:43-47
Question 7
Why do you think Jesus used such extreme language when talking about the need to avoid hell?

Question 8
Jesus believed in hell. Should we? Why or why not?

Question 9
Imagine that all of your thoughts, words and actions were
displayed for everyone to see. How would you feel?

Save your worksheet to your own email account.