Andy Woods - New Testament books in 5 minutes
Matthew - Gospel for Jewish Christians
Mark - Roman Christians and persecution
Luke - Gospel for the Gentiles
John - Gospel written for unbelievers
Acts - follow-up on Gospel of Luke, first churches
Romans part 1 - sin and our need of salvation
Romans part 2 - salvation sanctification Israel
1 Corinthians - lessons for carnal Christians
2 Corinthians - defense of apostleship
Galatians - plea against legalism
Ephesians - the church & spiritual blessings
Colossians - the Head of the church, Jesus
1 Thessalonians - Rapture
2 Thessalonians - Antichrist
1 Timothy - encouragement to young pastors
2 Timothy - mentoring letter for pastors
Titus - for pastors serving in immoral situations
Philemon - salvation of a run-away slave
Hebrews - persecution of new Jewish Christians
Hebrews - warnings against falling back into Judaism
James - practical Christianity
1 Peter - Persecution
2 Peter - False doctrine
1 John - worry about false teaching, losing joy
2 John - about fellowship with antichrists
3 John - about fellowship with each other
Jude - Invasion of false teachers in the church
Revelation - the Second coming of Christ