
The Alpha Course is called the “Inspiration Course” (启发 qifa 课程) on the Chinese language video.

Title: Why did Jesus die

On their journey through the desert to Israel, the two hosts discuss wearing a cross. Some people who aren’t even Christians wear it as only a popular (时尚) adornment 装饰. However  during the time of the Roman empire, crosses were a cruel punishment 刑具.  Could you think of wearing an electric chair (电椅 ) or a hanging rope? ( 绞绳 ) The cross was once a sign of death, but now, though, it is a symbol of hope.
1:32 (Hosts continue speaking) During the time of the Roman Empire, Israel was occupied by the Romans. They used the cross as a cruel and shameful ( 耻辱 Chǐrǔ ) form of punishment. The Jews religious leaders brought Jesus to the Roman governor (巡抚) and accused him of blasphemy. The governor couldn’t find any crime in Jesus, so had the soldiers 兵丁whip him. Then he wanted to release him, but the Jews shouted out loudly to nail him to the cross. Because of pressure from the crowd, the governor decided to crucify Jesus. So Jesus from being arrested (被捕  bèibǔ ), interrogation with torture (拷问 )kāowèn)  to the cross did not argue to defend himself (辩驳.  Though he was whipped, and mocked, he did not defend himself.  Jesus died after six hours on the cross. In his last moments before dying, he prayed to the Father to forgive all those who hurt him. There is an old saying “People die for wealth, birds die for food”人为财死鸟为食亡. So why did Jesus die?  The answer is because he loves you. He died for you and me. The Bible says he love us and gave his life for us. This is the meaning of the cross.
 3:06 Question | What was the most meaningful thing that someone ever did for you?
(different people answer)...My mother gave birth to me...someone gave me paper in the toilet...taking me out to eat, drink and be merry...does giving up drinking (挡酒 dǎng jiǔ )count? ... gave me New Year lucky money (压岁钱)...someone took me to another city to attend a dance competition… when I was five bought a ferrari 法拉利for me sand topped up the battery...some one gave100 rmb in my name to children in the mountains... to parents raised father dedicated his life to supporting me
4:06 (Teacher) If you use one phrase to sum up the Bible’s meaning, it is that God loves you. His love is unconditional and unchanging. This is the Bible’s truth. Jesus died for us. Why? First, we were created in God’s image, each one of us is unique. People have creativity and kindness which reflects God’s image. But humanity has another side. We are all capable of evil. The same people who do some good things can also do selfish and terrible things. We see this on the news every day. I have also hurt the people I love. I have also been focused only on what I want while ignoring other people’s needs. This brings me deep regret.
5:57: (Hosts walking in desert)  Overeating brings a feeling of guilt. But the Bible’s definition of sin is deeper than that.  It means having a nature of that destroys good. For
example selfishness, lying, and breaking agreements hurts people that we love and even harms our own lives. If we face ourselves honestly we all know that we have done wrong.  The Bible says that people have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. (Rom 3:23). We might say that these small problems aren’t very important. But they do bring consequences. The bible describes the influence of sin in different ways. One is that sin is like environmental pollution. This is a serious problem in today’s world. Jesus said our hearts have been polluted. This pollution was caused by sin. Sin can destroy our relationships, not only with people but also with God. Sin is like an addiction to something that takes control of our lives. Paul in Romans 7:15 said that the things he wanted to do, he did not do, and things he did not want to do, he still did. The Bible also says that everyone who sins becomes the slave of sin. This is true, not only of something like heroin, but also of jealousy, selfishness, arguing etc. The power of these things can grow stronger in our life and destroy it.  
7:53 (INTERVIEW QUESTION: Do you think people are basically good or bad ?  
People’s answers range from good to bad to a mixture of both. One you man said “You must not harm others, but must also guard yourself from others.” 害人之心不能有,但防人之心不能无(We know the rules of being good, but don’t really expect people to keep them.
SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION  | Do you think People are basically good or bad?
 9:11 (HOSTS) When we hear of a child being abused or an old person being savagely beaten, we naturally want to see the one who did that punished. But don’t want punishment for ourselves. Romans 2:1 tells us that if we judge others, we ourselves will also be judged by the same standard. We do wrong things and like to build up a high wall to hide behind. For example if we have an argument with someone we love, we try to avoid looking at their eyes. There is a barrier between each other.  Our faults actually create blockages in relationships. This is similar to the great barrier in relationship between us and God. How can this be solved? The answer first of all is that God loves us and sent Jesus to remove the barrier.
(10:40-TEACHER) Jesus’s suffering is unique. Not only did he suffer bodily pain and mental anguish, But also spiritually. This was the purpose of the cross, where he suffered having our sin placed on him in order to take our punishment. Moreover he was raised from the dead. Both of these elements were part of the plan. Guilt, low self esteem and shame hold many people in bondage. Christ’s cross has taken all of these away. We no longer have to detest ourselves, or refuse to accept ourselves. Because you are valuable in yourself, you worth does not come from what you achieve. It comes from how Jesus looks at you. You are so valuable to God that he died for you. This is love, not only in words or feelings, but in action.
12:12 (Cartoon) The prodigal son.
13:37 (TESTIMONY) I was a dance hall hostess in my previous job. While in the night clubs I became addicted to alcohol, smoking, pills, and confusing relationships. It was also there I met Hong Rong. When we met it was love, we felt identical. We both loved taking drugs. But, I felt my life was in a vicious circle. When my life was at its lowest point, one day I had a furious argument with my mother. I locked the door and crawled out of my window onto an air conditioner. There I heard a voice telling me to jump off and end my life. Many negative voices were speaking, shouting in me. My mother, standing outside the locked door, told me to call out to Jesus. Then my mind suddenly recovered completely. Then I was able to crawl back inside through the window. It was as if I had come out of darkness into the light.
(Hong Rong) When people are at the end of themselves, that can also be God’s beginning. From that time our lives completely changed direction. We were reborn. I could see that God was leading us step by step. We decided to marry. Jesus completely cleansed us, healed us. He liberated us from all the darkness and brought us into the light.
16:28 (Teacher) Perhaps you are facing a difficult situation. Maybe your heart is facing pain or struggles. These do not have to defeat you. Because Jesus defeated these things on the cross. The source of all human problems is sin. Sin is not only the mistakes and errors we make. It is also a life that is separated from God. This is also at the root of our relational problems with others. We doubt each other, have conflict, jealousy, hatred, etc. These things hold us in their power. But the cross solved all the problems that sin has caused. The resurrection showed that sin had been defeated. The great barrier, the high wall between us and God was removed. Our relationship with God was repaired. God wasn’t just punishing Jesus. He was punishing all our sins which Jesus had taken upon himself.  
18:29 Small Group Discuss Question | Do you find it difficult to be the first to say you are sorry during an argument?
(the people being interviewed found it very difficult, but a few could do it. One said they could do something nice for the person but without apologizing.)
19:52 - (Teacher) Human life is shackled by sin’s power. But Jesus’s death and resurrection destroyed this power. If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36) This freedom is not to do whatever you want, it is the freedom from slavery to sin. Our addictions can be shattered and bad habits can be broken. For me God changed my lack of concern about others into caring for them. At the same time, this is also a long growing process and I continue to improve.  
There are two levels of freedom. First sin no longer separates us from God. We instantly become his children. This benefit of the cross is called “justification” in English. In Chinese it is called Chènyì ( 称义), which literally means: “called” or “declared” righteous. The second aspect of being declared righteous is that we can gradually break away from sin’s control over our life. It is a process to receive the victory that Jesus won for us. The great goal of the Christian life is to be transformed to live like Jesus did. This process is called “sanctification”. (Chéng Shèng). Not only do we receive forgiveness for sin, but we need to forgive others who offend us, just like Jesus did.  
22:53 TESTIMONY When I was three my parents divorced and I was put in different families to grow up. People often told me that my mother was bad. My father also said this and referred to her as Mrs. Chen instead of saying ‘your mother’. So I had no mother as I grew up. Later my father reached an agreement with her that she would meet me once a year. When I met her she mostly talked about herself.  Being with her felt like a waste of time. So I didn’t much want a relationship with her. When I was 30, I received a message from my uncle that she was seriously ill. I had mixed feelings about seeing her. But at that time I had already received Jesus into my life. I knew he had forgiven my sins and also knew I should forgive others who sin against me. I also realized that I was also being selfish. I knew I needed to submit to God’s command to forgive. I asked Jesus to help me. When I saw my mother I was shocked. She weighed only 27 kilos and had a tumor as big as her head. At that moment, all my resentment toward her disappeared. Then I knew that I had already forgiven her. Several months later my mother left. Fortunately I had obeyed Jesus. I don’t see her as Mrs. Chen anymore, but as my mother.
26:01 God’s love for us is unquenchable. It can change our family, marriage and all other relationships. God’s love can make you realize your value. You can also experience this same amazing change.
SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION | What do you think about the fact that Jesus died for you?